Saturday, January 26, 2013

TOP 10!!

Top 10
Thing you should have with you are at a Convention!
1.    Ticket, Pass or Badge
This is one of the most important things! You will not be able to enter the convention without this. Also a helpful tip, if you are going back for another day, tie your badge to your keys or your backpack, that way you will not forget it the next day!

2.    Cash! Do not bring a Credit Card
Please bring cash and leave your Credit cards at home! Only bring what you are willing to spend. I suggest breaking up your cash into 2 different categories 1) Food 2) Shopping/autographs. If possible keep them separated so you are not temped to use your food money for something you want to buy, because then you won’t have any money for food.
3.    ID
I pretty you know why you would need your Id, but having this will help you for getting your tickets and such.
4.    Cell Phone
Having a way to contact your friend or the group you are in is helpful!  I would suggest texting if possible as when you try calling someone either they will never hear the ring or its too loud that you can’t even here the person you are trying to call.
5.    Black and Sliver Sharpies for autographs
You will never know if the person who you are getting an autograph will have the correct sharpie or their sharpie ran out of ink.

6.    Thing you want to get autograph
These are items like action figures or photos. Most guests will have pre-printed Photos at the table that you can use to get autographs. You never know what photos they will have so, be prepared!
7.    Bottle of water if allowed.
Water is something I never thought of bring when I first going to Cons, but I shortly realize that it will be life saver when you are stuck in line for an autograph and have no means of getting a drink.

8.    Backpack or a canvas bag
Carrying all of those awesome toys and t-shirt that you are buying, will get heavy so will need something much easier to carry those awesome items. Yes, most venders will give you a plastic bag but that can start to hurt your hands. Putting all of those new treasures in a bag or backpack will save your hands!
9.    Camera
Of course you want to take pictures of all of those Amazing talented cosplayers and the stars! I know you want to remember all of those great memories from the cons! Or show your non-geeky friend that there are others out there just like you.

10.          Extra Batteries
You don’t want to be taking an awesome photo of let say Sir Patrick Stewart and you batteries die! That would awful thing!  Bring at least one extra set of batteries plus a few extra for that just in case scenario!

Bow ties are cool, but Daleks are cooler! 
Dalek Chick 


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