Saturday, September 27, 2014

Same Name - Music

 On Facebook, I'm part of a huge geeky group called the Promenade and the other day someone started a topic of discussion about songs with the same name that are completely different and by different music artists. Since the group has well over 6,000 members, there were plenty of replies and it was really interesting to see what people thought of. Being a music geek myself, I thought it would be a great way to find out about different songs and music stylings, so I do encourage you guys to comment below with any you know of that I don't include (you don't need a Google account to comment, by the way).

With just 10 different titles, there are 25 different songs listed and the only commonality is the title, and clicking on the artist names will let you hear each one. Be sure to add any you know of that I may have missed in the comments below!

*These songs have additional title wording. For Halestorm: (So Do I); for Rupert Holmes: (The Pina Colada Song).


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