Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year and GA 2nd Birthday!

 I'm writing this in 2014, but it won't post until 2015. How's that for wibbly wobbly timey wimey?

I can't recall anything particularly spectacular from the year as far as anything personal, but globally we saw a lot of upward-moving excrement fly directly into rotating propellers suspended from a ceiling (yes, that means exactly what you think it means), we lost a lot of people, but we also saw social barriers come down and communication begin or resume.

Change isn't always easy and it isn't always for the best, but it is a necessary chaos to continue living. C'est la vie: That's life.

As for the blog, it's been going for two years now. HOLY COW, BATMAN! Honestly (and somewhat ashamedly), this is the longest I've kept up with any written work on a constant basis. It's been SO much fun writing about different things and not really feeling the need to stay on any one particular topic because "geek" is an all-encompassing term. You can be a SciFi geek or a Music geek or a Sports geek; geek is geek. We may not all like the same things, but for the most part we're equally passionate about the things we do enjoy.

If it weren't for all of you coming back week after week, and even those of you just discovering us (Hello!), we might have decided it wasn't worth the effort and deleted it or let it fall away into the Purgatory otherwise known as Internet archives. So thank YOU - yes, YOU! - for your continued support and interest.

For the TL;DR crowd: lots of bad stuff happened in 2014, but we're hoping for a better 2015, and thank you readers for sticking with us.



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