Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Night Before Trekmas

Life in retail has been so chaotic this past week (and will only get worse in the next few days) that I didn't get a chance to really prepare anything, so I dug up a Facebook post I made in December of 2012, shortly before this blog even existed. Whatever holiday you celebrate during this time of year, which are actually far more numerous than just Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or even if you don't celebrate anything except spending time with your family and friends, I hope you all have fun and enjoy whatever festivities or gatherings you'll be attending.

'Twas the night before Trekmas, when all through the ship
The Borg were all stirring, looking to cause mischief.
Their implants were ready and tuned with great care,
For they all knew that Voyager soon would be there.

The crew were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sensor readings danced in their heads.
And Janeway in her nightgown, with Q nowhere in sight,
Had just settled her brain and turned in for the night.

When out on the bridge there arose such a clatter,
She sprang from her bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the closet she flew in a dash,
Tore open the door and was clothed in a flash.

A cube on the screen gave off a green glow
And Janeway knew this was no friend, but a foe.
When, what to her critical eyes should appear,
But a cluster of Borg drones, and the crew shook with fear.

“Resistance is futile”, they said as they advanced,
Janeway was tired of this same song and dance.
More rapid than phasers they closed in all around,
And they murmured and muttered and said this aloud:

"We are the Borg, we wish you no harm;
We want only your mind”, and they extended their arms.
Tubules came out of the tops of their hands
Then Neelix came forth wielding his pots and his pans.

“Now just you see here”, he called out with a cry,
“You cannot have us. The Captain won’t let that fly.”
They said not a word, but turned 'round to face him,
His eyes grew wide, knowing his chances were slim.

And then, in a twinkling, Q appeared with a POOF!
“Why Kate, what is this? It looks like a coup!”
Janeway just scowled and massaged her forehead,
“Are you here to help, or to help us get dead?”

He tsked, “Ah-ah-ah! You know better than that”,
And he snapped and the Borg drones all became cats.
“Well, that was simple”, Janeway said with a smirk,
“But you’ll never outmaneuver good ol' James T. Kirk.”

“The Carbomite Maneuver? Oh please, what a joke!
Kate, I just saved your life; my heart is now broke.”
Janeway rolled her eyes and muttered a thanks,
But when Q moved in for a kiss, she threatened a shank.

He chuckled and smiled, so pleased with the game,
“Kathy, I’ll get you yet. Just you wait.”
He snapped and was gone in the blink of an eye,
But alas! Something had gone terribly awry!

The Borg cats were gone, but replaced with red roses,
And little puppy dogs with such cold, wet noses.
Heart-shaped balloons filled the bridge on all sides,
And Janeway sat down in her chair with a sigh.

She woke from this dream, sitting up with a jerk,
And sighed in relief, then gave a slight smirk.
It was morning again, time to start a new day,
So she dressed and prepared and hurried away.

She sat in her chair, to her crew gave the order,
And away they all flew to the Risian border.
And this she exclaimed, ‘ere they warped out of sight,
"Shore leave for all, engage, and good flight!"


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