Saturday, March 9, 2013

Beginner Cosplay tips

When you decide you want to Cosplay, DO YOUR RESEACH!  It will help you out a lot. Most people have already done the cosplay and will have many sites to buy certain items from or tips and tricks for making things look the way they are. Like My Kaylee  Cosplay, I needed to make it look dirty many people suggestion rolling around in  dirt or in the drive way where the oil is, but once I wash it the dirt will mostly go away, so someone suggested getting  cheap black nail polish and putting on some  latex gloves and  making it dirty that way. It works out great.
Anyways back to tips. If don’t know how to sew that is fine! My first Dalek was a non sew project I use thing were already pre-made and a hot glue gun. If you do need to sew I suggest two things take a sewing class at your local Hobby store or become friend with some who know how to sew.  Sewing does have its benefits things do tend to hold up better, but glue work fine too. 
Once you nail down what you want to Cosplay, I would write down the items that you will need and plan out your budget.  Cosplaying can get pricey, but you watch the sales or sign up for your local hobby store they send out50% off couples often. If you have a Hobby Lobby Each week you can get a 40% off on regular price item. Also go thrift store hunting, you can most likely find what you need at a thrift store and you are saving money.

 This is just a short tips for Cosplaying, In two week I’ll be giving you some tips and trick when your wear your cosplay in a convention.

Stay Geeky
Dalek Chick


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