Saturday, June 28, 2014

Proud to be a Geek

Hello Fellow Geeks and Geekettes!

As of right now, I will most likely be pulling my hairs out and counting down the mins until I get off work. I work for Old Navy and  today is our $1 flip flop day.

I wanted to talk about how being a geek or nerd is now becoming more and more popular. I've started to really notice this when I was at work ,  as the cashier one of the customers go I like your shirt. I looked up and realize I was wear the firefly/Minecraft shirt , we got to talk about how we miss firefly , I told her I  cosplay as Kaylee and she like really? It was awesome.

 A few days later I was checking out an other customer who was buying one of our Star Wars shirt for his son, I was like "Star Trek better" He chuckle.  I told  him am more of a Star Trek  fan but also like Star wars, and the day i was wearing my Tardis Shirt and hes go " well am also a whovian" I smiled and was like well am a Trekkie, whovian and Browncoat.

 A few weeks later , I went a more "high end" mall with my sister. I was wear a  Doctor Who shirt that if u weren't true a whovian it might be hard to guess it( it has all the doctors up to tenth  all on the random staircases) and ways , we walk into the LUSH store , I went straight to what I wanted when my sister like " I think they like your shirt" I looked up her " really?" a few seconds later an associate walk over ask me if I need help and goes " Is that a doctor who shirt?" I smiled and said "yes" We talk about Doctor Who for a bit and went on shopping soon another associate  came up to me and was like " We thought that was a Doctor Who shirt"  I smiled again and my sister like show  her your bag. (its Star Trek Bag , custom made ) The associate smile and goes my manager is a big Star Trek . A few minutes pass as am still shopping their manager came over and was like " I was told  I need to talk with you and gave him a puzzle look so did he , then he smiled " I heard your a Trekkie" I laughed and showed him my bag.  That shopping experience at LUSH was amazing. I did end up buying  things and they actually gave me extra samples because I was awesome.

So it never hurts to show your pride. Don't Hide the pride! Like always

Stay Geeky


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