Saturday, January 9, 2016

Hippo Birdy Two Ewe

Design by Monkey Minion Press

As of January 1, 2016 we turned three years old. TXTrekkieGurl (then known as Dalek Chick) and I decided one day out our mutual love for Sci-Fi and crafting and various other interests and hobbies that we should just start a blog and talk about the things we like. We've covered a lot of topics, from geek-themed drinks to speaking Klingon to crafting how-to's to convention kits (both basic and for cosplay). We've also discussed geeky birthday, holiday, and wedding gift ideas.

We currently have 156 posts, this one will be 157, and we have over 10,000 pageviews from various different countries. We've had a lot of unique opportunities with this blog, including conducting interviews and becoming very good friends with a lot of the folks at Trek Radio. We've been able to do so many really neat things and it has been incredible.

But, of course, none of this would have been possible without you! All of you, whether you've been reading from day one or if you've stumbled across us in your search for something specific - thank you!


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