Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tips and Tricks for Conventions

Hello fellow Geeks and Geekettes,

As convention season is in full swing now, I figure I would give you some more tip and tricks that I have use for going to conventions.  Yes, I know that I have done some Top 10 list for convention but I wanted to give ya’ll more!
1)      Always  try and drink plenty of water before the convention, I have a bad habit of forgetting to drink lots of water couple of days before hand and end up dehydrated by the on the convention.   Mainly because you are so busy you forget to drink water or eat.

2)      Start packing your bag a few days before hand if you can, that way you can think of things throughout the week to add rather than on the ride to the convention.

3)      If you are going to cosplay I high suggest getting a friend to be your “handler” meaning to either hold or watching your stuff so when you are ask for photos it will be safe. Also  they can help you with you cosplay needs.

4)      Check to see if your Convention has a “ Day 0”   this  depend on the convention, “ Day 0” usually means  you can pick up your badges  and get layout on the Con.

5)      Wear comfortable clothing, having comfortable shoe is a must! You will be walking a lot! (Extra Tip: Bring a sweater , most of the Panels room get cold)

6)      Be ready for the weather , you never know if you will be stand outside  or not

7)      Look into the weapons Policies, each convention have different rules about weapons.

8)      Look at the schedule and plan ahead, most schedules  are post at least 2 weeks before the con

9)      Bring Cash, most vendors will take cards but you don’t want to risk it.

10)   Always make sure you have enough money to pay  hotel fee Examples: Room, Parking, 

Bonus and most important! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay Shiny

Dalek Chick 


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